About us
Hundreds of millions
750 000
of patients each year are affected by Healthcare Associated Infections1
1 out of 10
4 000
affected patients will die from their Healthcare Associated Infections2

At Germitec, innovation is driven by two concepts
The first concept is "Germ", which means a microorganism that can cause diseases, paired with a second concept: "tec", from technology, which evokes the study of techniques, tools, machines, etc.
Together they form Germitec, a company specialized in techniques and tools to fight disease-causing microorganisms.
Germitec's innovation in High-Level Disinfection (HLD) eradicates bacteria, spores, fungi and viruses, including highly transmissible and resistant HPV3,4, and supports healthcare professionals around the world to ensure patient safety during ultrasound exams.
Our history
Germitec was created in 2005 by the entrepreneur, Clément Deshays. In nearly 20 years of existence, Germitec has developed its solutions based on UV-C technology for High-Level Disinfection (HLD) of ultrasound probes. Based on this R&D work, Germitec helps healthcare professionals to optimise their procedures by making the HLD of medical devices fast, while guaranteeing quality of care as well as traceability meeting safety and regulatory standards.
Since Germitec’s creation, its products have been approved by Public Health England, NHS Scotland, Health Canada, as well as laboratories and scientific centers in France, Germany, Australia, and the United States.
In 2020, Germitec won the prestigious Prix Galien France for the best medical device.
Germitec's quality management system is ISO 13485 certified for design, manufacturing, and service activities for medical devices.
In 2024, through the De Novo classification process, FDA concludes that this device should be regulated under Regulation Number 21 CFR 880.6511 and classified as a Class II medical device.

Creation of
1st CE mark
Antigermix S1 (AS1)
UV-C disinfection system
Iso 13485
ENT endoscopes without operative channel
Chronos® (AS1-V2)
Prix Galien France
for Chronos®
Series A fundraising
Germitec U.K. Ltd
is established
Financing, European
Investment Bank
FDA first-ever
De Novo for Chronos®
Viewed globally, the healthcare sector is responsible for 4-5%¹ of net CO2 emissions.

1. WHO. Report on the Burden of Endemic Health Care-Associated Infection Worldwide. Geneva: WHO; (2011).
2. WHO. Report on infection prevention and control.
3. Meyers C, et al. (2017) UVC Radiation as an Effective Disinfectant Method to Inactivate Human Papillomaviruses PLoS ONE 12 (10): e0187377
4. Pichon M, et al. (2019) Decontamination of Intravaginal Probes Infected by Human Papillomavirus (HPV Using UV-C Decontamination System. J. Clin. Med, 8, 1776;doi:10.3390/jcm8111776